At the heart of the sumptuous Harcourt collection, the Baccarat champagne seal offers crystal a new role, elegant and luxurious. A symbol of elegance, champagne adorns itself in the most beautiful setting possible. The Harcourt champagne bucket enhances the clear crystal's purity with silver or gold-plated handles, making it a luxurious table element. Harcourt champagne flutes perfectly complete the scene.
Product description:At the heart of the sumptuous Harcourt collection, the Baccarat champagne seal offers crystal a new role, elegant and luxurious. A symbol of elegance, champagne adorns itself in the most beautiful setting possible. The Harcourt champagne bucket enhances the clear crystal's purity with silver or gold-plated handles, making it a luxurious table element. Harcourt champagne flutes perfectly complete the scene.