Marking 15 years of collaboration with Baccarat, Marcel Wanders brings a touch of poetry and elegance with the Harcourt Tulipe collection. Marcel reinterprets Harcourt, giving it renewed modernity, while preserving its distinctive features. He maintains the glass original hexagonal base and transforms its 6 facets into petals, evoking the grace of a blossoming flower. The result is a beautiful contrast between the power of the base and the elegance of the curves. The tulip is often associated with love, positive sentiments and affection.
The plate is a particularly beautiful piece for appetizers, desserts and pastries and will add beauty to any table setting.
Product description:Marking 15 years of collaboration with Baccarat, Marcel Wanders brings a touch of poetry and elegance with the Harcourt Tulipe collection. Marcel reinterprets Harcourt, giving it renewed modernity, while preserving its distinctive features. He maintains the glass original hexagonal base and transforms its 6 facets into petals, evoking the grace of a blossoming flower. The result is a beautiful contrast between the power of the base and the elegance of the curves. The tulip is often associated with love, positive sentiments and affection.
The plate is a particularly beautiful piece for appetizers, desserts and pastries and will add beauty to any table setting.