Baccarat Crystal, Vega Martini Glasses Color Set of 4
Set $1,450.00
Item# 2810828B
H: 5.875" Cap: 6.75oz.
The geometric stem is eye-catching, a stack of three diabolo shaped Baccarat Crystal, pieces resembling exquisite beads strung together or Brancusi's geometric totems. The perfect glass set for the perfect dry Crystal Martinis at home. Invite your friends and enjoy!
Baccarat Crystal, Vega Martini Glasses Color Set of 4Baccarat2810828B
In stock
Product description:The geometric stem is eye-catching, a stack of three diabolo shaped Baccarat Crystal, pieces resembling exquisite beads strung together or Brancusi's geometric totems. The perfect glass set for the perfect dry Crystal Martinis at home. Invite your friends and enjoy!