Thomas Bastide

Born in an artistic family circle (his mother a painter, his father a writer), T. Bastide felt the need to be creative from early
childhood, with a strong penchant for volume, the “third dimension”. Carried away by his passion, he majored in art and
design at the National College of Graphic arts and in industrial design at the National College of Applied Arts and Crafts
(ENSAAMA) His first professional experience allowed him to work with Raymond Lewy, a design celebrity. In 1981, he seized
the opportunity to join Baccarat, and he is still today the resident designer, while collaborating with other brands. His
passion for the “glass material” equals his love for forms. Further to honing his sculptor’s skills at the CIRVA (Marseille’s
Glass fitted with a kiln, a sandblaster, saws and different equipment, where he brings to life sculptures combining
the clearness of glass with concrete and metals. The collections he has designed for Baccarat span a large repertoire,
from vases (Wave, Tornado, Ginko,…) to the boldest sculptures (Liberté, Tensions, Elphant-Racines). This palette also
encompasses many successful jewels such as Glamour, Occitane, Galet, Starlet. His renown keeps growing in Europe and
the United States where, in 1989, he was awarded the “International Table Top Award” prize of design in Dallas, for his
“Neptune” collection of vases. Japan, very keen of French art, is under the charm.

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