The Claddagh Mugs Set of Four, takes its traditions from the Irish heritage. Created in Ireland, the Belleek collection is derived from native porcelain unique to the area. This exquisite mug has ancestral Celtic knot circles around the upper and lower most sections with touching hands, symbolizing never-ending love. The Claddagh is an ancestral Celtic design.
Hands represent a pledge of friendship. Heart represents a pledge of love. Crown represents a pledge of loyalty. This symbol originated in Galway, Ireland.
Hand made in Ireland.
Belleek China Claddagh Mugs, Set of FourBelleek Pottery LTDB4133
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Product description:The Claddagh Mugs Set of Four, takes its traditions from the Irish heritage. Created in Ireland, the Belleek collection is derived from native porcelain unique to the area. This exquisite mug has ancestral Celtic knot circles around the upper and lower most sections with touching hands, symbolizing never-ending love. The Claddagh is an ancestral Celtic design.
Hands represent a pledge of friendship. Heart represents a pledge of love. Crown represents a pledge of loyalty. This symbol originated in Galway, Ireland.