This Pink Gin and Tonic Set is part of a timeless and elegant Galway Crystal Living range. Combining style, quality and functionality with a very attractive price range. This contemporary range is distinguishable by its effortless design, appealing to the modern eye. The glasses display a wide balloon shape recognisable by traditional gin barware. They are all about fun and would make an ideal gift for those who love Gin and Pink Gin.
Galway Living Pink Gin and Tonic Glasses, PairBelleek Pottery LTDG600132
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Product description:This Pink Gin and Tonic Set is part of a timeless and elegant Galway Crystal Living range. Combining style, quality and functionality with a very attractive price range. This contemporary range is distinguishable by its effortless design, appealing to the modern eye. The glasses display a wide balloon shape recognisable by traditional gin barware. They are all about fun and would make an ideal gift for those who love Gin and Pink Gin.