Offering a larger volume, the
Montrachet glass reveals the intensity and the wine's
layers of aroma.
The size of the bowl enables the
rich bouquet to develop its wonderfully diverse range
of aromas, emphasizing the finesse, while minimizing
the risk of it becoming over-concentrated.
Riedel Sommeliers, Hand Made Montrachet, Chardonnay Wine Glass, SingleRiedel Crystal44007R
In stock
Product description:Each piece features Riedel trademark, hand polished thin rim.
Gift packaged in a special Riedel gift tube. Offering a larger volume, the Montrachet crystal glass reveals the intensity and the wine's layers of aroma. The size of the Crystal Bowl enables the rich bouquet to develop its wonderfully diverse range of aromas, emphasizing the finesse, while minimizing the risk of it becoming over-concentrated. Recommended for: Montrachet, Chardonnay, Barbera, Blauburgunder, Blaufrankisch, Blauer Portugieser, Carignan, Gamay, Teroldego, Trolliger, Chardonnay