Based on the timeless original shapes, these classic and elegant glasses feature a black base on the white wine glasses. The stem is clear crystal so the reflection doesn't change the color of the white wine. Hand-made and mouth blown.
Riedel Sommeliers, Hand Made, Black Tie Loire Glass, SingleRiedel Crystal410033R
In stock
Product description:Each piece features Riedel trademark, hand polished thin rim.
Based on the timeless original shapes, these classic and elegant crystal glasses feature a black base on the white wine crystal glasses. The stem is clear crystal so the reflection doesn't change the color of the white wine. Hand-made and mouth blown. Recommended for: Blanc fume, Fume blanc, Rotgipfler, Sancerre, Sauvignon blanc, Smillon, Sptrot-Rotgipfler, Zinfandel.