Handmade and mouthblown by only the most senior mastercraftsmen, each piece is free formed and presents a unique celebration of the glassmakers art. Pure crystal presents the wine perfectly, and the decanter gives a wide area for aeration.
The name Tyrol commemorates Riedels new start 50 years ago in Austria in the federal State of Tyrol.
Riedel Tyrol Wine DecanterRiedel Crystal140513R
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Product description:I prefer to decant wines, both young and old. It is a sign of respect for old wines and a sign of confidence in young wines. Decanting old wines, just a few moments before they are served, helps to ensure that the wines' clarity and brilliance are not obscured by any deposit that may have developed over time. Decanting young wines several hours before they are served gives the wine a chance to bloom and attain a stage of development that normally requires years of aging. - Georg Riedel.
Handmade and mouth blown by only the most senior master craftsmen, each piece is free formed and presents a unique celebration of the glassmakers art. Pure crystal presents the wine perfectly, and the Crystal Decanter gives a wide area for aeration