Baccarat Crystal, clear crystal Vodka Shot Crystal Glasses come in a, Set of two. Designed for Baccarat Crystal, by Thomas Bastide, the geometric detailing in the hexagonal base and the flat-cut sides Baccarat Crystal, clear crystal Vodka Shot Crystal Glasses come in a, Set of two. Designed for Baccarat Crystal, by Thomas Bastide, the geometric detailing in the hexagonal base and the flat-cut sides illustrates Baccarat Crystal, distinctive mastery of stunning form. The slim silhouette and architectural contours give the Crystal Glasses a multifaceted beauty that refracts the light in a way that as almost as heady as any shot of alcohol.
The Abysse collection is comprised of various barware pieces, ranging from a box, Set of tumblers to the Abysse Crystal Decanter. In addition to the bar pieces, the stunning Abysse home decor pieces include the Crystal Candlestick, Crystal Clock, and pencil holder, all of which bring a symmetry, light and beauty to any household.
Product description:Baccarat Crystal, clear crystal Vodka Shot Crystal Glasses come in a, Set of two. Designed for Baccarat Crystal, by Thomas Bastide, the geometric detailing in the hexagonal base and the flat-cut sides Baccarat Crystal, clear crystal Vodka Shot Crystal Glasses come in a, Set of two. Designed for Baccarat Crystal, by Thomas Bastide, the geometric detailing in the hexagonal base and the flat-cut sides illustrates Baccarat Crystal, distinctive mastery of stunning form. The slim silhouette and architectural contours give the Crystal Glasses a multifaceted beauty that refracts the light in a way that as almost as heady as any shot of alcohol.
The Abysse collection is comprised of various barware pieces, ranging from a box, Set of tumblers to the Abysse Crystal Decanter. In addition to the bar pieces, the stunning Abysse home decor pieces include the Crystal Candlestick, Crystal Clock, and pencil holder, all of which bring a symmetry, light and beauty to any household.